Secure your supply of fresh foods all year long for yourself and your loved ones when you grow with the Tower Garden.

The Tower Garden is the ultimate self-contained, expandable, water-based home growing system.

Its rugged, pro-grade construction makes Tower Garden well-suited for outdoor or indoor use, which means a year-round supply of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers - all in about 6 square feet of space, requiring 98% less water than conventional soil gardens.

The Tower Garden is your 365-day a year food producing machine. Save space, water and energy by growing your own food vertically, using a simple aeroponic system that actually helps plants grow faster than in soil.

Crank out the greens and herbs indoors from October to April. Then take your unit outside and let Grandfather Sun really nourish your plants, from April-October.

You will grow tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, and peppers like you’ve never seen. Not to mention even more greens, and zucchini, melons, pumpkins and even flowers.

The Tower Garden’s ingenious design means:

  • Ability to expand production.

    Take advantage of vertical space! Grow your column upward with two different choices in module size: a standard size with 4 grow ports and a microgreen-growing module with 16 grow ports (not shown).

  • Incredible water efficiency.

    Water is pumped upward from the basin and cascades downward, raining nutrients evenly onto every one of the 20+ plants it can grow.

  • Grow indoors AND outdoors.

    Use your Tower Garden to grow fresh food under lights indoors between October and April. Take your Tower Garden outdoors in April and allow your plants to soak up the sun until October. The Summer sun provides the most fun!

Learn how to plan your Tower Garden to get the most plant goodness possible out of it.

Use your Tower Garden to:

  • Grow veggies quicker than soil gardens, with way less effort.

  • Inspire the important people in your life to step up their homegrown food production.

  • Give your produce to family, friends or fellow humans in need.

  • Teach humans of all ages the basics, like seed-starting and where their food comes from.

Make an investment in your household food security by growing with the world’s best overall personal modular aeroponic grow system. Tower Gardens can be custom arranged to suit your personal groawls (grow goals) and are sure to surprise you with their amazing grow-tentional.

Have more questions?

We’d love to answer them! Please book a call or send an email and we’ll help you get growin’ ASAP!